

206 Uppsatser om Healing gardens - Sida 1 av 14

Trädgården - en plats för yoga och meditation. En inspirationskatalog för trädgårdsgestaltning med chakrasystemet som utgångspunkt

Uppsats för avläggande av kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 21 hp, 2011.

Healing : en jämförande studie av två healingmetoder i dagens Gästrikland

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att göra en jämförelse mellan två olika healingmetoder som förekommer inom den så kallade neoshamanismen och i New Age sammanhang. I min undersökning som handlar om shamansk healing och reikihealing i dagens Gästrikland har jag intervjuat två utövare av dessa metoder.Mina   frågeställningar är:Vad menas med healing för de båda informanterna?Vilka kan utöva dessa metoder enligt dem?Vilka hjälpmedel använder man sig av och finns det någon form av andekontakt?Vilka är i behov av healing enligt dem?Varför uppstår sjukdom och kan man bota med hjälp av healing?Vilken världsbild och människosyn har man?Vilka skillnader och likheter finns det mellan de båda personernas syn på healing?.

Rehabiliteringsträdgården : hur människan påverkas och utformningens betydelse

In today?s hectic society more and more people experience stress and our lifestyle gives us a very limited chance to recover. For some it sometimes goes that far that they get burnt-out, they have pushed themselves to the ultimate limit. There are different methods and treatments to recover but one very efficient treatment is to spend time in a rehabilitation garden. There the patients get treated by therapeutics that uses the garden as the main tool.The fact that gardens and parks have a positive effect on humans have been used by people for a long time but it?s not until recently that the research has taken speed.

Upplevelser av natur utan visuella intryck :

In nature settings people often experience positive emotions. Litterature and theories about the positive effect of nature on humans are largely based upon visual impressions and aesthetic preference. The purpose of the present study is to examine how visually impaired individuals that lack visual impressions experience nature. The background is about what it means to be visually impaired and what it is like to be visually impaired in a nature setting, followed by a presentation of the five human senses and about stimulation of senses in Healing gardens. That is followed by theories about the health promoting effect of nature, about why nature and therapeutic gardens make people feel good. After that theories about experiences and relations with settings are presented.

?Jag har alltid trott att det finns något men inte hittat något? : Att leva alternativa diskurser

Uppsatsen handlar om tre informanter som intervjuats angående sin syn på alternativa behandlingar och alternativa diskurser i kontrast till dominerande diskurser inom medicin och samhälle. Viktiga avsnitt rör till exempel sådant som vad är healing, hur kan en behandling gå till, grundläggande synsätt i alternativa diskurser och hur man ser på sjukdom..

Vatten som väcker sinnena : - förslag för införande av vatten i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgård utifrån några miljöpsykologiska teorier

Alnarp?s Healing Garden is a place for rehabilitation as well as an ongoing multidisciplinary scientific research experiment. The garden is built on research results from the disciplines of Landscape architecture, Environmental Psychology and Garden Therapy. In the garden, people diagnosed with burnout syndromes are being rehabilitated. The participants need safe and calm environments which activate their bodies self healing systems. Theories show that water as an element, per se, increases the observer?s preference for an environment.

Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :

The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.

Stjärnhusen i Gröndal : bevara och förnya stjärnhusens innergårdar

It is sixty years since Sweden's first star-shaped housing estate was built in Gröndal, a suburb of Stockholm. Olle Engkvist, the building contractor, was the driving force behind the residential area and it was designed by architects Sven Backström and Leif Reinius. The estate comprises detached star-shaped houses suited to a more hilly terrain and terraced star-shaped houses on the flat land. The eight gardens of the terraced houses form the shape of a hexagon. It is these gardens, designed by Sven Hermelin and Per Friberg, which are the main focus of this thesis. The buildings on the estate have recently been renovated and it is now time for the gardens to be restored.

The Hardscape Room : ett trädgårdsrum i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgårdar

This master thesis covers the design of a special garden room, The Hardscape Room, in The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp, in southern Sweden, as well as describes the design process. The Rehabilitation Gardens are intended to serve several purposes. It will offer horticultural therapeutic treatment programs for people diagnosed as having had burnout disease for an extended period. Research is also aimed at studying the possible impact of different garden design hypotheses as well as different forms of horticultural therapy. In The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp the most extreme and demanding garden room focused on cultivation and horticultural therapy is The Hardscape Room.

Trädgårdsterapi- kan det hjälpa? : en kunskapsöversikt om trädgårdsterapins roll vid tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa

Syftet med vår studie var att studera trädgårdsterapins roll i människors tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa. Studiens frågeställningar var: (1) vilka faktorer beskrivs som stressreducerande i natur och trädgård? (2) på vilket sätt kan personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa bli hjälpta genom trädgårdsterapi? För att besvara våra frågeställningar användes en kvalitativ metod med hjälp av en kunskapsöversikt. Våra analysverktyg har varit KASAM och Coping.Slutsatsen av studien är att trädgård och natur kan stärka återhämtningsprocessen för människor med stressrelaterad ohälsa. Trädgård och natur kan bidra med stressreducerande faktorer som gör att återhämtningen påskyndas och stärks, såsom att hitta lugn, känna trygghet och få utrymme för reflektion.

What happens during breakdown and repair of the suspensory ligament and what are different treatments aimed at?

Injuries to the suspensory ligament represent a huge problem in equine veterinary medicine. As many of the affected horses are elite-competition athletes, there are high expectations on veterinarians to make these horses fully functional again. The suspensory ligament has several features which makes the healing process complicated. So far no treatment has shown to optimize the healing process. This has led to the testing of many new treatment methods, in order to find a consensus for the injury.

Koloniträdgården - odling eller rekreation? :

The movement of the allotment gardens reached Sweden in the beginning of the last century. The allotment gardens quickly spread among the big towns from Malmö in the south and to the far north of the country. Today, there are about 42 000 owners of allotment gardens in Sweden. This work will show the differencies and similarities comparing the original ideas of allotment gardens with how they are used today. The specific questions were; what are the reasons to acquire an allotment garden; is it used for raising vegetables and fruit or only for growing flowers; is what is cultivated there also gathered and used or is it cultivated only for the pleasure of gardening; and finally how the owners of the allotment gardens spend their time there ? by cultivating the land or by recreational activities. Literature studies were made as well as an inquiry at one allotment garden area i Lund. The ideas of the original allotment gardens in the beginning of the 20th century were as much based on the need of getting out of the aparment to a healthy environment, as cultivating vegetables for economical reasons.

En helande trädgårdmiljö för barn med cancer : barnens behov och trädgårdens effekt på det psykiska välbefinnandet / en litteraturstudie

Mål: Att undersöka effekten och behovet av en helande trädgård/ odlingterapi för barn med cancer och deras välbefinnande. Bakgrund: Barn som behandlas för cancer utsätts både för psykisk och fysisk påfrestning. Deras behandling är många gånger tuff och det förändrar hela deras tillvaro. Behandlingen fokuseras på det medicinska/fysiska hälsan, barnens psykiska välmående kan ibland bli åsidosatt. Risken att drabbas av posttraumatisk stress ökar för de som drabbats av cancer.

Feng shui i trädgården :

Our environment affect us, not least gardens. By practising the ancient Chinese art feng shui, one could find tools how to create harmony and balance in gardens. By paying attention to different energies working with colours, shapes and materials one can create a nice garden with good feng shui. The philosophy, however, includes much more than what plants or what hard materials to choose in the garden. It describes different energies, the movement of energies, which we can learn to live in harmony with.

Japansk trädgårdsdesign i Sverige : en förlorad känsla

This is a BA thesis in landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate why Japanese gardens, created in Sweden, often lack the feeling connected with Japanese gardens. The thesis includes a short study of Japanese history, spanning from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, to create a mild understanding of how the Japanese society changed, due to political, religious and cultural influences. The traditional Japanese garden styles, developed during this period, have been concisely compiled separately to create a homogeneous image of each style. In order to display opposite views of garden design in the European garden styles, some of the european styles have been concisely compiled as well. To produce a higher level of understanding of the Japanese garden, a consice compilation of the fundamental design principles has been included, as well as variuos types of decoration typical to the Japanese gardens, since the miss-use of these is a certain way of losing the feeling of a Japanese garden. The thesis is concluded by a consice compilation of possible reasons as to why the feeling connected with Japanese gardens is absent, as well as some attempt to include the feeling in the Swedish versions of Japanese gardens..

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